Lead On

From time to time we all need reminded about some leadership principle. Recently I needed reminded that we always lead from the front even though that is one of my core tenets.  I got called out by a Colonel who I have rarely spoken to within the office. I believe that he was sent to remind me about the importance of leading, about never giving up my position, and about setting the example. He filled my tank back up and set me straight.

 Who are you holding accountable? Who is your accountability?

Leading is filled with joys and sorrows. Leading when times are great is easy. However, you learn more about leading in the challenging moments.  Whether it is with your family or at work, leading requires energy that sometimes you just don’t have. It is in those moments that it is good to have a friend, battle buddy, spouse, or Colonel pop into your life and remind you to lead on.

 Who are you encouraging to Lead On?





Rojan Robotham